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From the pulpit of Bethel Baptist Church

It's Time to Keep Our Appointments


Job 7:1-8

(1) Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? are not his days also like the days of an hireling?
(2) As a servant earnestly desireth the shadow, and as an hireling looketh for the reward of his work:
(3) So am I made to possess months of vanity, and wearisome nights are appointed to me.
(4) When I lie down, I say, When shall I arise, and the night be gone? and I am full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day.
(5) My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; my skin is broken, and become loathsome.
(6) My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without hope.
(7) O remember that my life is wind: mine eye shall no more see good.
(8) The eye of him that hath seen me shall see me no more: thine eyes are upon me, and I am not.